Your credit report serves as a sort of report card that shows how well you’ve handled credit in the past. When you find an error on your credit report, you have the right to dispute it. If the credit bureau determines that your claim is frivolous, they don’t have to investigate it. What is a frivolous claim on a credit report?
Frivolous or Irrelevant Claims
Your claim may be considered frivolous or irrelevant for a couple of reasons. It might happen because you filed a claim but didn’t provide any documentation that demonstrates that what you’re saying is true. It might also be considered frivolous if you file a dispute that’s the same as a dispute you already filed. Data furnishers aren’t required to research and respond to the same information multiple times.
What You Can and Can’t Dispute
A credit dispute should be filed if you find mistakes on your credit report. This may include accounts being reported twice, wrong outstanding balances or payments being reported late that were never late. You may find errors in your personal information such as a wrong address or misspelling. You should definitely file a dispute if you find accounts that don’t belong to you on your credit report.
What you can’t do is file a dispute against negative items that are accurate just because you want them removed from your credit report. If you got into financial trouble and made payments late, got into a lot of debt or faced bankruptcy, collections or foreclosure, these things will show on your credit report. You won’t be able to have them removed by disputing them over and over.
What to Do if Your Claim is Thought to be Frivolous
If your claim is called frivolous, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing else you can do. The next thing you’ll need to do if your claim is considered frivolous is to find more backup documentation. For example, if a payment is reported late that wasn’t late, your canceled check or bank statement can provide proof that it was paid on time.
You also have the right to make a statement that can be put on your credit report explaining why you think the information being reported isn’t correct. Your statement has to be 100 words or less. Potential creditors will be able to see your statement, and they may take it into consideration when evaluating an application for credit.
Understanding the Credit Dispute Process
Some people find the process of filing a dispute confusing or frustrating. It’s not a difficult process, but it helps to have someone on your side who thoroughly understands credit reporting and the best way to dispute inaccuracies. When you partner with Dovly, disputing inaccuracies can become much less stressful.
Dovly is an AI credit engine that makes the process of fixing errors as easy as it can be. We can help you navigate the world of credit disputes and improve your credit score. Try it risk-free with our free membership tier.