If you know anything about credit reports, you probably know that they are the foundations on which credit scores are measured. Even though there are multiple credit scoring companies, where your scores land depends on information from your credit reports. Because of this, anyone looking to apply for credit might take a sudden interest in their credit reports to ensure that they’re being scored on accurate information. But how up to date are these reports, really? Before diving into this question, it’s important to understand the difference between a credit report and a credit score, as well as where all this information is coming from. There are a few factors that play into the updating of your credit report.
Consider the following: Credit reporting bureaus don’t go out to find information about you to put on your credit report. Instead, data furnishers provide credit bureaus with this information. Data furnishers can include lenders such as the financial institution you have a credit card or mortgage with, as well as other companies you owe payments to, such as a utilities or cell phone company. There are three credit reporting bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion). However, data furnishers don’t have to report to all of them. Therefore, your credit reports from each bureau might not be identical.Your credit scores are shown as the most updated version anytime they’re pulled — whether you pull your score or a lender does.
Your credit scores will be reflective of whatever your credit report shows at that time. Although your credit report informs your credit score, your credit report doesn’t list your credit score on it. Credit reporting bureaus and credit scoring companies (such as FICO® and VantageScore®) are separate entities.Now that these basic facts have been covered, let’s talk about how your credit reports get updated. The process in which credit reports get updated is fairly straightforward. The financial institutions with whom you have accounts send information about your account status to the credit reporting bureau of their choosing. This information can include your balance, your payment history, and more. Typically, data furnishers send updates once a month.
However, they can decide how often to do so, which means that these updates could be sent more or less than that. Once the credit reporting bureau receives this new information, they work to update your credit report right away. Still, there could be delays in this process if the bureau feels the need to verify data that doesn’t seem quite right. So, while your credit report gets updated as soon as new information is verified, it’s hard to say how often your credit report will be updated. That’s because the answer will depend on how often your data furnisher sends updates to the credit reporting bureaus.And that depends on the data furnishers who have your accounts. Keeping track of and disputing credit report errors is a hard task.
That’s why we created Dovly.com. The online-based platform that will give you your credit score & summary, let you see how your credit compares to others and help you improve your credit and lifestyle! Dovly’s AI credit engine can get you a head-turning credit score with credit (re)building, monitoring, alerts, scores, tips, and tricks – all in one place. Try it risk-free with our free membership tier.