How To Dispute Credit Report Errors Easily (And Improve Your Credit Score)

| Tedis Baboumian |

Did you know that there’s a high likelihood that there are errors in your credit reports? Many consumers might not even realize that there could be errors in their credit reports, much less that they can dispute those errors. And those who do know may hesitate to dispute due to fear of entering into a long and drawn-out process. However, there’s no reason not to dispute a credit reporting error. Errors can drag down your credit scores, and could even be an indicator of identity theft in some cases. The good news is, a credit report dispute doesn’t have to be an arduous endeavor. Starting a credit report dispute is fairly easy. First, note which credit reporting company you got your credit report from. That’s the one you need to file your dispute with — these three companies are separate entities, and one can’t fix the reported errors of another. Once you’ve completed your credit report dispute, it’s on the credit reporting bureau to investigate the matter and get back to you. This is when the waiting begins. The waiting game doesn’t have to be long if you completed your dispute properly. Once your dispute is filed, the credit reporting company has 30 days to complete the investigation. Here’s what that entails:

  • The credit reporting company will reach out to the data furnisher who supplied the information you’re disputing.
  • The data furnisher has 30 days from the date you filed your dispute to respond — if you’re a resident of Maine, they have 21 days.
  • The credit reporting company will give you their investigation results when they get a response from the data furnisher.
  • However, if the credit reporting company doesn’t receive a response within 30 days, they’ll update or delete the item in dispute. Again, if you’re a resident of Maine, this will happen if the data furnisher doesn’t respond within 21 days.
  • As soon as the investigation is complete, you’ll get the results of the investigation from the credit reporting company.

If you don’t agree with the results and you have new documentation to prove your case (or documentation you didn’t originally include), you can file a new dispute. Keep in mind, however, that filing again without any new information could result in your dispute being labeled as a “frivolous dispute.” Once a dispute is labeled as “frivolous,” the credit reporting company will not reinvestigate the matter.If all else fails, you can include a statement on your credit report in which you would write that you find certain information to be erroneous and why. This won’t remove or update the information on your report, but it does give you a chance to tell your side of the story. Finding, managing and disputing errors in your credit reports can be a tedious task. That’s why we recommend you sign up and start using Dovly Credit Engine today! It will allow you to find and resolve credit report mistakes easily and improve your credit score faster than ever before. Sounds interesting? Then CLICK HERE and join us now!

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