Whenever you apply for a loan or credit card, the lender pulls your credit report and credit score to help them decide how big a risk they’re taking if they decide to loan you money. A higher credit score benefits you because it usually means a lower interest rate and more reasonable payments. If you’ve had credit problems and your score isn’t where you’d like it to be, you may wish to bring your score up quickly. A question we hear from time to time is “How can I raise my credit score by 200 points in a month?”
Building Better Habits
In most cases, improving your credit score isn’t something that’s going to happen overnight. Your credit score is made up of a combination of factors, and there are several things that you should work on if you’re hoping to bring up your credit score. Things that can help to improve your credit score include:
If you’re building your credit from scratch or rebuilding after credit missteps, start with a secured credit card. Your credit line will be based on money that’s deposited and held in a savings account as security. As you establish a pattern of on-time payments, your credit score should increase. Another option to help improve bad credit is a credit builder loan.
Look for Errors in Your Credit Reports
If there is inaccurate information on your credit reports, it could bring down your credit score and once it’s removed, your credit score may go up quickly. Review your credit report carefully and dispute any inaccuracies that you find.
Dovly is an AI credit engine that can help you dispute any errors you find on your credit report. Try it risk-free with our free membership tier. Get in touch with Dovly today.